Welcome to the Mickleover Joggers 10 week Couch to 5k.
Please note: Our course is our very own devised course, we do not follow the 12 week NHS course.
We usually run the course twice a year.
Approximately New Year Jan and October.
Each course has a capacity of no more than 15 participants.
Week one, session one. You will RUN! But don’t worry, not far.
The course is for both Monday and Thursday 6.30pm sessions.
You will then be given 'homework' to complete over the weekend. Homework is not compulsory but you will find it will help your fitness and running if you complete it.
We all have personal commitments. If you cannot attend a session, it's ok! Just let us know, and we can let you know what the session will be so you can still complete it in your own time.
Each session we meet in carpark at Mickleover Sports Club, and complete a short registration.
We have a chat through what will happen on the session, the route we'll be taking and which co-jog leaders will be joining us. This also gives you an opportunity to meet other club members and discuss the course.
We'll then head outside for a short warm up. After the warm up, we run! Once we have completed the session and have returned back to the sports club, we'll have a short cool down in the car park and then you're done till the next session.
If after any session you experience any injury’s, concerns or questions. Please feel free to speak to one of the Jog Leaders who can advise you accordingly.
Please ensure you wear suitable clothing and footwear. We understand that this may be new to you and you may not have the 'full gear' to start with. But don't worry. Leggings, shorts, jogging bottoms, t-shirt etc will be fine. Ladies, please ensure you wear a good sports bra. Wear sports trainers, not fashion trainers. They must be supporting and have a good sole/grip. Try and stay away from the ones you do the garden in, or ones you've had for 5 years, they will not have the support you require.
Also remember this is England, and the weather can be temperamental at the best of times. You may wish to bring a waterproof jacket, or even a change of clothes.
Yes, we do still run in the rain, and yes we do still run when it's sunny!
If you want to bring water with you please feel free. We do have the bar available to us before and after the sessions.
Please arrive in plenty of time for each session.
Arrive from 6.15pm to start at 6.30pm.
Cost is £45 per person, and is payable by bank transfer (30-98-97 46619860) or PayPal on request.
Payment must be made prior to the course starting, to secure your place.
If you’ve any further queries do get in touch
mickleoverjoggers@gmail.com If it’s urgent please call or text Joy on 07970386602
We look forward to seeing you soon!